I am ignorant.

The reason why people struggle to swallow this adjective, is stated under the second and third meanings of the word. Nobody wants to believe that they are rude or angry as these are negative traits so when we get into debates and somebody calls us 'ignorant', we are offended. In this environment the atmosphere is tense and so we assume they mean it in a malicious way. We also view the origin of the meaning as being negative because who wants to be called 'uneducated' really? 

I don't know everything about every culture, religion, socio-economic group, political group, disability, sexuality, language, campaign... 

I AM IGNORANT..... and that is okay, provided we keep learning. 

We use the term 'ignorant' flippantly. We use it often to describe someone who disagrees with us. By dismissing them as 'ignorant' surely that makes you moreso for refusing to listen, learn and understand. Is that not why you are angry at them too? It is a vicious cycle so it is important to remember that we are all learning and need to learn from each other. We are all students of the world always learning and growing as we interact with new people from a diversity of backgrounds. The problem I find in today's world is that people dislike an 'unknowing' person because that person can't empathise with their struggles. Your heart starts to race, your blood thumps in your ears, your adrenaline crashes through your veins, your brain pours words into your mouth at lightening speed...

'DON'T YOU SEE?!' you cry. 
The answer is no. 

It's difficult not to be angry or exasperated. We have all had different lives and finally met at this point and unless you are a mind-reader and can catch up on everything that this person has lived through... no you can't see. It doesn't make you 'blind' as such but moreso you are putting on a new set of lenses which makes you see clearer every time you learn something new. We are also teachers of the world. Everyone has experienced different walks of life. Everyone has had their obstacles (trust me nobody actually gets it 'easy' no matter how much you argue) and what is a hurdle for someone may seem like a mountain to the next. In today's society we don't seem to respect this. We are impatient and when someone shares their views, instead of educating them, we call them ignorant for not understanding the full topic... but isn't that what ignorant means? 'Lack of knowledge or awareness of a particular thing'. This is the true meaning but it has been painted with negative connotations and social media doesn't help matters. 

When we communicate with someone, the first things we read are their expression and their body language. What they actually say comes last. (I read this somewhere but I can't remember where.) When communicating on social media we cut to what they say therefore giving us inaccurate data of the emotion of that person at that time (hence the importance and frequent use of emojis in my messages - which aren't always correctly interpreted either) so we read it according to how we feel at that time. If you feel angry you may read it as an attack but if you're calm you may read it as a sharing of an opinion. Either could be right or wrong but to base it on your emotions is incorrect. 

The world is filled with a lot of anger and bitterness. Anger against those who don't understand, bitterness and frustration against those who try because they still don't grasp the concept and united anger in the form of mobs. We are part of a very emotionally driven era which is important provided we spend some time in the grey area. I am still learning this too. Not everything said to you is an intentional attack and likewise not everything you say back has to be either. (Mark will be proud of me for saying that.) Sometimes taking a breath, remembering patience and remembering other's emotions, not just your own, is the best approach. Be the better person. 

Sometimes the world scares me with how emotionally invested they get. I have witnessed large groups of people chanting venomous words at one person. I have witnessed signs made with hateful slogans at groups of people or one person. I have witnessed humour being taken to another level that if the same things were being said or done about me, I wouldn't leave the house in fear of the hatred beyond my doorstep. I am not defending people who do wrong things... I'm saying be better than them. Be patient. Be kind. Be intelligent. When you fight fire with fire.... 

Hold your standards of the treatment of people with everyone. If you are against racism or sexism or ageism or sectarianism (or any other ism)... be against ALL FORMS and hold onto those standards for ALL people. You can't be against these if it's okay to do it to some and not others. That is just encouraging the behaviour onto other people. That is vengeance ... when you fight fire with fire... 

Let's not burn together. Let's thrive in a world where we educate each other. Share your glasses with others so more understand you and your story. Teach me about you. I am human, I will try to understand. Every human has emotions. You just have to tap into them. (Plus nobody can criticise someone who smiles and treats them with kindness no matter how contentious the debate is.) 

You don't yell at a child for not understanding their homework, saying an incorrect statement or pronouncing a word or name wrong... you correct and explain with patience and kindness. Why can't we adopt this with each other as adults? We will never know everything but most try to. We are eternal learners so travel and meet people. Be open-minded, open-hearted and keen to learn. By the time we are grandparents, we would be very wise. We are all children of the world, students of the world but also teachers of the world.

I am ignorant and forever learning...

 but remember... SO ARE YOU

Don't hate. Listen & educate.

'La patience est amère, mais son fruit est doux'

Disclaimer: *No offence intended*

NPK xx

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