These Feet Weren't Made for Walking - 20 Going on 80

It's 2am. I have woken up because my feet are BURNING. I have only got one hour of sleep so far 👍

I have had bad feet for my whole life. Some people have worse problems in their feet than me. I'm lucky we started early to fix mine. For years I have had ever worsening bunions and ever worsening hammertoe. For a long time they didn't hurt but I was like a freak show. It was like marmite, you either really wanted to see them or you really didn't. Either way reactions were always the same...'WOW can you actually not straighten them?' 'Wow they are so weird/gross'... I know... I look at them every day.

Naturally we tried to search for solutions. At age 12 I got a surgery performed on my two second toes which had hammertoe from the pressure my bunions were causing. Unfortunately they couldn't operate on the bigger problem until I was at least 21 (which at 12 seemed like forever away and now it's only 4 months away - Time flies when you're having fun). The operation was a success and 8 weeks off school wasn't so bad either but it was only a temporary fix for one. Over the years my bunions have got steadily worse and have caused one of those hammertoes to double over again, back to the stage where people say 'Were were in an accident?! Where did the top of your toe go?!' Actually it's right there, just curled up in embarrassment like me right now. Even the surgeon in my surgical review when I was 12 said 'Wow you have the feet of an 80 year old woman!' I have stopped wearing sandals. I get too many questions or nevative reactions. I mean I know they are odd but do you really have to say those comments out loud?

They have started to give me more pain recently. When I was younger they would cause pain when I was doing sports, running or walking long distances. Now just walking around on a daily basis leaves me with sore feet in the evenings so again, we looked for some pain relief. Luckily I have surgery due next Summer on one root's bunion and hammertoe but in the meantime I want to try a few products to ease the pressure they are causing especially for the foot that isn't 'bad enough' to get operated on ... 'yet' I say because I see it getting worse and causing me more trouble as the years pass. I'm even tempted to go private if I can save enough in the future.

The joint in my hammertoe has raised so much it rubs on my shoes and can even dictate whether I buy a pair of shoes or not depending on the level of discomfort. Boots and trainers are my best options but I AM A STUDENT and sometimes I even like to party so yes I often break the rules and wear massive heels if I can get that toe into them. (And yes I end up in pain all night but often I have drank enough to numb that  feeling and yes the next morning is agony - I can only wear trainers or boots with fluffy socks to let my feet recover with my hangover.)


I thought this support would help to relieve the pain from my bunions and I could wear them all night to top my big toe from bullying my smaller weirder second toe. As I have said however, it's now 2am and I have woken up in burning pains in my big toe. I researched if this was normal, what was advised etc. I basically wanted to know do I stick through it with gritted teeth or take them off immediately and saw very little actual talk about the after stories from them. Turns out theres a real gap in the market for opinions on foot products but then, 80 year olds aren't usually the best candidate for a blogger are they? So I thought why not start a blog series on my feet problems (as these are only 2)  and share my experiences, success and absolute belly flops. It's is night one of the night splints and now my feet have had 20 minutes of breathing from them, I think I'm going to give them another go but if I wake up again, these bad boys are coming off and I will update you on what I do as a result!

Here's to many more weird foot conversations!!

You are definitely in the right place if you want a cure for your foot fetish - this could put you off for life 😂


My aspiration is to be able to wear these shoes one day and look normal in them 😂



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